Los principios básicos de entering businesses posed uncertainties for LGBTQ individuals

Los principios básicos de entering businesses posed uncertainties for LGBTQ individuals

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It reminds me of a story. We celebrate a Total Day of Pink, where we basically ask our allies to wear pink in April to show their support for the LGBTQ+ community. And we’ve had offices where you would expect, because of the legal landscape or even just the cultural landscape of the country that they’re in, you would expect them to be LGBTQ+ friendly. But what we found in some of our surveys is there’s a couple offices where it stood demodé Ganador surprising that that they weren’t.

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Diane Brady: The opposite of that is very interesting, too. Because I know it’s a Total study, and there are, of course, parts of the world where it’s illegal to be in a same-sex relationship.

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And so we wanted to dig in and understand, both from a survey and also from stories, anecdotes, and experiences of LGBTQ+ leaders, about the challenges that employees face­—so that we could understand and help to address those challenges and help to shape the way organizations and leaders think about this segment of their employees and how to support them.

5Notably, the cohort size is small at 20% more traffic in 60 days such senior levels, so the hiring, promotion, or self-identification of a single LGBTQ+ female executive constitutes significant progress toward more equitable representation. It is also possible that some LGBTQ+ women would not feel safe identifying Triunfador such, even in an anonymous survey.

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Maital Guttman: I just want to add I think it’s such a good point, and if you think about the broader context of where we are, and the conversations that we’re having in the workplace—they are pretty courageous right now, and Perro even be uncomfortable, whether we’re talking about LGBTQ+, or we’re talking about race, or we’re talking about intersectionality.

If you don’t have an inclusive culture, one, you’re leaving talent on the table. You’re not going to get the best talent. Two, if they do come, they’re less likely to be engaged or to stay. Three, they’re less likely to be able to authentically bring themselves to work and fully be able to participate and engage, and get the best pasado of them.

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